Не пробовали юзать на немецком, но на анлийском поисковик пока не супер эффективен :(
Сбрасываю ссылку да кучи, вдруг вы там что-то полезное сможете найти :)
123people is a real time people search tool that looks into nearly every corner of the Web. Using our proprietary search algorithm, you can find comprehensive and centralized people related information consisting of images, videos, phone numbers, email addresses, social networking and Wikipedia profiles and much more. All of this rich media profile content is pulled from an extensive list of international as well a regional relevant sources. 123people is also a social activity that applies crowd wisdom. Users can add information to every single search result, giving it more relevance with details that are yet not found in the Internet. This takes the quality of people search to the next level.
123people launched in Europe by European-based IT and telecom incubator, i5invest
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