Competitive Intelligence - A Selective Resource Guide - Updated and Revised March 2009
By Sabrina I. Pacifici, Published on March 28, 2009, LLRX
Selected Web, Blogs, News, Video Search and Alerts Services
Web Search
Business.com - the business search engine,targeted to products, services and solutions. http://www.business.com/
Clusty "queries several top search engines, combines the results, and generates an ordered list based on comparative ranking" - http://clusty.com/Exalead - "search the entire Web for information in different formats (web sites, video, images, Wikipedia, Word documents, pdf files...)" - http://www.exalead.com/search
Gigablast - this flexible, robust, customizable search engine delivers search results via an XML feed, can detect and discard duplicate web pages, indexes PDF, Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel, and Postscript documents, allows users to search within a set of search results, supports complex nested boolean queries using AND, OR and NOT operators. http://gigablast.com/
Google - use to search for company name, news, corporate documents and financial data, presentations, people. Ex.: stocks:dell
Use Google advanced search, http://www.google.com/advanced_search?hl=en, to narrow and focus search results.
Google Universal Search - From upper left hand side of Google main page, users may choose: Web Search, Book Search, Images, Local/Maps, News, Video, Blog Search, Product Search. Search results will be returned from within the vertical content aggregation of each specific topic chosen.
Google Video search indexes Yahoo Video, MySpace TV shows, movies, music videos, documentaries, personal productions and more.
Justia - Reliable, tinely, comprehensive directory of legal resources, searchable/browsable by practice areas, topics and subject specific sources, cases in the news, legal blogs and podcasts - http://www.justia.com/ Law.com Quest - a legal search engine from Incisive Media, owner of leading legal newspapers and guides, including American Lawyer and National Law Journal. http://quest.law.com/Search/
MetaCrawler uses innovative metasearch technology to search the Internet's top search engines, including Google, Yahoo!, MSN Search and Ask." http://www.metacrawler.com/. Another reliable metasearch engine is Dogpile Web Search, which indexes the same engines as does Metacrawler, but this site prominently displays its ongoing program to help rescue pets.
Reuters Business News, Top Stories, International Business, Financial News - Search quotes, news, video and pictures, http://www.reuters.com/business. Search industry profiles http://www.reuters.com/business/industries, sectors, benchmarking data, company rankings, metrics and more.
Search Engine Colossus - links to search engines from 311 countries and territories around the world - http://www.searchenginecolossus.com/
Sputtr (beta) meta search engine allows users to choose from over two dozen search sites (including content specific sites for maps, video, music, social networking, wikipedia, e-commerce, blogs) http://www.sputtr.com/
SurfWax - search for news, blogs and business data, includes RSS feed search and news tracking - http://www.surfwax.com/
USA.gov - U.S. Government's official web portal for all government transactions, services, and information. http://www.usa.gov/
Windows Live Search - search web, news, images, video, books, local, scholarly journal articles, conference proceedings, dissertations and academic books - http://www.live.com/
Yahoo! Search - search web, audio, directory, news, images, local, creative commons, products, travel, blogs, video. http://search.yahoo.com/
YouTube - considered by many students and researchers as a new search engine alternative - offering access to a plethora of videos, music, speeches (private sector, government personnel), corporate presentations, and a new site specifically for lectures by university professors (see http://youtube.com/edu). Use the Advanced Options search feature: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=&aq=f
Blog Search
BlogPulse - a service of Nielsenbuzz Metrics, is a blog search engine as well as "an automated trend discovery system for blogs." http://www.blogpulse.com/
Blogdigger - features include: media search for the latest audio, video, images and more; local blog search; sorting results by date and relevance; and locating who is linking to whom. http://www.blogdigger.com/index.html
Financial Blog Search - "Search over 100 of the top financial blogs at once." Note: this engine does not index a range of reputable topical blogs in the financial arena, but may be useful as a secondary resource in conjunction with other referenced blog search engines in this guide. http://microcapspeculator.googlepages.com/home
Google Blog Search indexes and allows users to search blogs that have an RSS feed, from around the world - http://www.google.com/blogsearch. See also Google Advanced Blog Search. Users may limit search parameters by author, date the posting was written (beginning in 2000), and specify required phrases or exact search terms. http://www.google.com/blogsearch/advanced_blog_search.
IceRocket Blog Search - search blogs, web, MySpace, Twitter, news, images. http://www.icerocket.com/
Justia Blawg Search - searchable directory of legal blog postings, continually updated. Sort results by date or relevance. Browse blogs by category, country, law school. http://blawgsearch.justia.com/
State of the AmLaw 200 Blogosphere, March 2008 - a directory of law firms who sponsor topical blogs - "Over 25% of AmLaw 200 law firms have blogs". See http://tinyurl.com/2yxpul
Technorati Blog Search - "Currently tracking over 100 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media." http://search.technorati.com/. See also Technorati Advanced Search - You can search by Keyword, Website URL, or Tag.
Taxonomy of Legal Blogs - directory of law and legal related blogs by category, topic, subject. http://3lepiphany.typepad.com/3l_epiphany/2006/03/a_taxonomy_of_l.html
Twitter (microblogging application - postings are limited to a maximum of 140 characters). Use the excellent, field specific Advanced Search page. See also http://www.twitprofiles.com/
News Search
Google News - Search and browse 25,000 news sources updated continuously. Includes press releases from Business Wire, Canada NewsWire, PR Newswire, U.S. Newswire. Users may customize/personalize the news page view, opt-in for email and or RSS alerts delivered to desktop or mobile devices. News results are available in: Standard Version Text Version Image Version. Users may choose to sort results by date, or sort by date with duplicates included. Users may also choose to view Local stories - near specific city, state or zipcide. http://news.google.com/
Justia News and Featured Cases -sources include: ABA Journal, Law.com, Legal Times, Jurist, and blawgs. http://news.justia.com/.
My Way - powered by Ask, aggregates top news by sector and source, - AP • New York Times • CBS • MSNBC • USA TODAY • FOX Newspage - personalization and email updates. No banners or pop up ads. http://www.myway.com/
NewsNow's "services include NewsNow.co.uk, one of the UK's most popular news portals...corporate services include online press cuttings, market intelligence, competitor tracking and website and intranet content. Provides real-time searching of 20,000 sources comprising international, national and regional papers, consumer, trade and technical titles, government press pages, press releases, blogs, webzines and newsletters in more than 15 languages from 84 countries." NewsNow
Newspaperindex.com - daily index of evaluated newspapers and front pages in every country. http://www.newspaperindex.com/
Reuters - breaking news, world, U.S., video, investing, and business news, with a focus on financial services, media and corporate markets. Search quotes, news, pictures and video. Continuously updated news ticker. Includes international editions - links at very bottom of home page. http://www.reuters.com/
Silobreaker is an online search service for news and current events...it recognises people, companies, topics, places and keywords; understands how they relate to each other in the news flow, and puts them in context for the user. http://www.silobreaker.com/
Yahoo News Search - Web Images Video Audio Directory Local News Shopping http://news.search.yahoo.com/. See also Yahoo Advanced Web Search, http://search.yahoo.com/search/options?fr=srch_more.
Yahoo Creative Commons Search - "this search helps you find content published by authors who want you to share or reuse it, under certain conditions." http://search.yahoo.com/cc?fr=srch_more
News Search Alerts
Google Alerts - updates from Web, news, groups, blogs, videos (daily or weekly), via keyword searches created by the user - http://www.google.com/alerts
FindLaw email alerts - daily opinion summaries, weekly opinion summaries, general topical newsletters - http://newsletters.findlaw.com/
NEWSiness.com - the latest news in brief, from top sources including CNN, Reuters, BBC, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, AP, MarketWatch, Bloomberg, CNNMoney/Fortune, BusinessWeek. Includes RSS feeds and news alerts. http://www.newsiness.com/.
Law.com Newswire - access to fee and free articles, news, updates - http://www.law.com/newswire/
MarketWatch.com from DowJones - Stock Market, Business and Financial News and Commentary, and Investor Research - http://tinyurl.com/y2uwjw
Wall Street Journal Alerts - non-subscribers can receive selected email newsletters free. http://www.wsj.com/
Yahoo! Alerts - news updates from the Web and blogs, via keyword searches created by the user - http://tinyurl.com/3mbqk
Selected Business Info Websites, Databases and Blogs - Fee and Free
Fee Based Sites - some with free component(s)
Accurint (owned by LexisNexis) - provides access to millions of data records on individuals and businesses - http://www.accurint.com/
AutoTrackXP (ChoicePoint) - "billions of current and historical records on individuals and businesses" - http://atxp.choicepoint.com/
Dialog (owned by ProQuest) - the database catalog contains descriptions for more than 1,200 databases available on the Dialog and DataStar services - http://www.dialog.com/
Dun & Bradstreet, D&B - global commercial database contains more than 125 million business records - http://www.dnb.com/us/
Factiva from Dow Jones - provides access to a collection of more than 14,000 business sources that include: The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Dow Jones and Reuters newswires and the Associated Press, as well as Reuters Fundamentals, and D&B company profiles - http://tinyurl.com/yx5qkx -- "Search the Factiva content set [http://www.factiva.com/sources/search.asp?node=menuElem1523] for local and global newspapers, newswires, trade journals, newsletters, magazines and transcripts". Fields - Publication Title, Product, Language, Geographical Region, Industry Sector.
Financial Times - world business, finance and political news (fee and free) - http://www.ft.com/home/us
Hoover's, Inc. "information on million public, non-public and international companies, 600 industries, and the people who lead them. "90 day archive for 3,000+ news sources for 1 million companies" - daily company news alerts [note - users may choose from different service levels with differences in content] - http://www.hoovers.com/
Hoover's Online - free version allows users to browse companies using A-Z directory, browse companies by geography, view free industry videos, view company fact sheets, press releases, financial statements, marketing data. Includes access to The Hoover's 100, a monthly list of the companies most searched on Hoover's - http://www.hoovers.com/free/
Investext - "index to company, industry, and geographic research reports written by analysts at more than 600 leading investment banks, brokerage houses and consulting firms worldwide," - PDF Bluesheet from Dialog (4) http://library.dialog.com/bluesheets/html/bl0745.html
KnowX.com - search for businesses, people and assets - free to search, fee to view records. http://www.knowx.com/
LexisNexis atVantage, subscription req'd - "...helps you analyze and track your firm's growth opportunities with clients and prospects, research industry and market trends, and evaluate competing firms." http://law.lexisnexis.com/atvantage
Global Securities Information, Inc. (Thomson Reuters) - subscription req'd, "content that ranges from a listing of SEC filings dating back to 1967 to over 188,000 Annual Reports to Shareholders from 35,196 companies in 116 countries." http://www.gsionline.com/livedgar/index.html. See also http://www.gsionline.com/Products/index.html#LIVEDGAR
Standard & Poor's - "With over $4.5 trillion benchmarked to Standard & Poor's family of indices, including the S&P 500, the S&P Global 1200, the S&P Europe 350, and S&P/Citigroup Global Equity Indices, Standard & Poor's is the world's largest index provider." http://tinyurl.com/2j4z9m 10K Wizard: SEC Filings - this service (now owned by Morningstar) uses proprietary technology to create comprehensive access to EDGAR filings, and the searchable database contains all electronically filed SEC documents including: 700+ forms indexed, 5+ million filings, archives from before 1994 (Pre-Edgar), and real-time SEC updates. Users may search and retrieve filings in PDF, HTML, RTF and EXCEL.
Standard & Poor's - subscription req'd, credit ratings, indices, investment research and data - http://tinyurl.com/y6wd3d- subscription req'd, credit ratings, indices, investment research and data -
Thomson Firm360 Monitor Suite - litigation profiles, deal monitor, report builder - http://www.firm360.com/signon/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=/default.aspx
ViewsWire - Business Intelligence on 203 Countries from the Economist Intelligence Unit, http://www.viewswire.com/index.asp?rf=0
Free Sites - some with registration and/or fee components
AFL-CIO Executive PayWatch - Search by Company Name, Ticker Symbol, Industry, Total Compensation - http://www.aflcio.org/corporatewatch/paywatch/
Business Wire - free access for current 30 days - "Business Wire is the leading source for press releases, photos, multimedia and regulatory filings from companies and groups throughout the world." http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/index.jsp
CAROL - Company Annual Reports Online for the United Kingdom - http://www.carol.co.uk/CNN Money Company Research Lookup - background information, vital statistics and earnings estimate information. http://money.cnn.com/news/crcCORI Contracts Database - "The CORI K-Base is a growing Knowledge Base of Contract information, featuring a library of executed contracts and contract forms for a wide array of transaction types and industries. Over 600,000 contracts can be accessed using our full-text search engine. First-time users must complete a free registration." http://ronald.cori.missouri.edu/cori_search/
Dun & Bradstreet - subscription req'd - D&B’s global commercial database contains more than 125 million business records. http://www.dnb.com/us/. Also try ZapData - which "gives you access to the entire D&B national database of nearly 16 million company records for an affordable price. Find new customers and grow your sales by building targeted lists and more. Prospects Lists, Company Lookups , Industry Reports. http://www.zapdata.com/
EDGAR Full-Text Search - "This page allows you to search the full text of EDGAR filings from the last four years. The full text of a filing includes all data in the filing as well as all attachments to the filing." http://searchwww.sec.gov/EDGARFSClient/jsp/EDGAR_MainAccess.jspEIU.com - from the Economist intelligence unit - subscription or pay as you go options available, "analysis and forecasts on more than 200 countries and eight key industries." http://www.eiu.com/index.asp?rf=0 Europages - has 1.500.000 European and international suppliers, manufacturers and distributors listed in its BtoB directory. http://www.europages.co.uk/
The Register of European Patents provides detailed information on all European and Euro-PCT patent applications. The system provides bibliographic data such as title of the invention, classification, publication dates, name and address of the applicant, inventor, attorney and the latest information about the status of the granting procedure of the patent application."
Fortune 500 Daily and Breaking Business News - http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/Forbes Lists (companies, sectors, markets, people, products --- biggest, best, richest, etc.) - http://www.forbes.com/lists/
Fortune 500 Business Blogging Wiki - This is a directory of Fortune 500 companies that have business blogs, defined as: active public blogs by company employees about the company and/or its products. "According to our research, 60 (12%) of the Fortune 500 are blogging as of 02/11/09." http://www.socialtext.net/bizblogs/index.cgi
Google Finance - updated market summary, recent quotes, today's news, sector summary, today's movers - http://finance.google.com/finance
MarketWatch.com from DowJones - stock market quotes, business news, financial news - http://www.marketwatch.com/news/default.asp?siteid=&avatar=seen&dist=ctmwMSN Money Central - stock company reports - http://moneycentral.msn.com/companyreport
Moodys.com - subscription req'd, credit ratings, research and risk analysis - http://www.moodys.com/cust/default.asp
MyWay.com Business News - http://news.myway.com/index/id/business%7Cap.htmlReuters Stock Information - headlines, company information, analyst research, industry watch. Some data requires registration - http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks
Scorecard - "profiles the environmental record of companies whose chemical release and waste management practices are tracked by major U.S. regulatory programs" - http://www.scorecard.org/env-releases/facility-search.tcl- "profiles the environmental record of companies whose chemical release and waste management practices are tracked by major U.S. regulatory programs" -
SEC Info - registration req'd - data from the SEC EDGAR database. Search by Name, Industry, Business, SIC Code, Area Code, Topic, CIK, Accession Number, File Number, Date, ZIP.
Time: Company Profiles, Business Information, Business and Economy - http://www.time.com/time/insidebiz/
Thomas Global Register - "Search the most complete, up-to-date directory of worldwide industrial Information from over 700,000 suppliers in 11 languages from 28 countries." - http://www.thomasglobal.com/
ThomasNet "is an industrial search engine that provides one source for finding the exact product, service, or supplier ñ quickly and efficiently." http://www.thomasnet.com/
Thomson Firm360 Monitor Suite - Litigation and Deal Monitor http://www.firm360.com/signon/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=/default.aspx - subscription req'd
United States Patent Office - Patent Full-Text and Full-Page Data Images, http://www.uspto.gov/patft/index.html
Who Owns What - Columbia Journalism Review - http://www.cjr.org/tools/owners/
Yahoo Economic Calendar/Financial Calendars - http://biz.yahoo.com/c/e.htmlYahoo Financial News - Aggregates news by specific providers/fee and free, including: AP, Bankrate.com, bizjournals.com, BusinessWeek Online, Business 2.0, Daily FX, ETFZone.com, Forbes, Fortune, FT.com, Investor's Business Daily, Kiplinger.com, Law.com, MarketWatch, Morningstar.com, Motley Fool, Reuters, SmartMoney.com, TheStreet.com, TradingMarkets.com, USATODAY.com, The Wall Street Journal. These links are located on navigation bar, left side of page. http://us.biz.yahoo.com/top.html
Selected Financial Blogs
Blog Catalog - Finance Blogs - includes links and thumbnails to corporate and individual blogs from around the world. http://www.blogcatalog.com/directory/finance
DealBook, from the New York Times - mergers, acquisitions, venture capital, hedge funds, http://dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/
Deal Journal - from the Wall Street Journal (free) - http://blogs.wsj.com/deals/?mod=djm_shdealblog
Financial Times Tech Blog - http://blogs.ft.com/techblog/
footnoted.org - "Each day, the site takes a closer look at the things that companies try to bury in their routine SEC filings." http://footnoted.org/
Naked Capitalism - Topics covered - http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/
Real Time Economics - Economic insight and analysis from The Wall Street Journal. http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/
Seeking Alpha - Stock market opinion and stock analysis - U.S. Markets, Global Markets, ETFs, sectors, transcripts. http://seekingalpha.com/
Wall Street Journal Market Beat (free) - WSJ.com’s inside look at the markets. http://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/
Selected Online People Tracking Sources Accurint (owned by LexisNexis), provides access to millions of data records on individuals and businesses - http://www.accurint.com/
Ancestry.com - "genealogy, family trees and family history records online," fee req'd - http://www.ancestry.com/
AutoTrackXP (ChoicePoint) - "billions of current and historical records on individuals and businesses" - http://atxp.choicepoint.com/Dun & Bradstreet - a leading source of business information, subscription req'd - http://www.dnb.com/US
Avvo.com - Find and rate any licensed attorney - "...website that rates and profiles every lawyer so consumers can choose the right lawyer...he website currently includes profiles and ratings on every licensed attorney in Arizona, California, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington. Avvo will be adding more states on a regular basis." http://www.avvo.com/
FamilySearch.org is a non-profit service sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: "The largest collection of free family history, family tree and genealogy records in the world." http://www.familysearch.org/
FindLaw Search for a Lawyer or Law Firm - http://lawyers.findlaw.com/lawyer/lawyer_dir/search/jsp/name_search.jspForbes.com People Tracker - search for over 120,000 executives and celebrities, free but reg. req'd. http://www.forbes.com/cms/template/peopletracker/index.jhtml
Google - Search web, images, news, video, gmail, http://www.google.com/
Google's University Search "...enables you to narrow your search to a specific school website. Try it for things like admissions information, course schedules, or alumni news. To get into your target school" a an alpha list of names and links is provided. http://www.google.com/options/universities.html
Gumshoe Librarian 2006 - by Barbara Fullerton and Sabrina I. Pacifici - Resources, services, databases and finding aids and tools from around the world. http://www.llrx.com/features/features/gumshoe06.htm
Infobel World - Telephone Directories - information for more than 216 countries, http://www.infobel.com/teldir/default.asp
Justia Lawyer Directory - Find Attorneys, Law Firms, Legal Aid and Legal Services - http://lawyers.justia.com/
KnowX.com - public records on people and businesses, subscription req'd - http://www.knowx.com/
Martindale.com, search for credentials on over 1 million participating lawyers and law firms, http://www.martindale.com/
PeopleSearch.net - metasearch engine, http://peoplesearch.net/peoplesearch/peoplesearch_deluxe.html
Pipl People Search - "Pipl's query-engine helps you find deep web pages that cannot be found on regular search engines."Search Systems - over 45,000 free searchable public records databases, including international (fee and free access) - http://www.searchsystems.net/
Thomson Legal Record "is a unique research tool, combining an attorney's litigation history on Westlaw with the attorney's profile on FindLaw. It provides a simple, efficient, fully documented resource for legal and corporate professionals seeking experienced litigators and a verifiable basis for decision-making." http://legalrecords.findlaw.com/ss/search_index.jsp
Yahoo! People Search - free phone number, reverse phone number and email search. Premium search includes unlisted and cell phone numbers. http://people.yahoo.com/
Zaba Search - free people search and public information search engine - fee based component. http://www.zabasearch.com/
ZoomInfo.com - search for info on people, companies and jobs (no fee) ["37 million business professionals and 3.5 million companies across virtually every industry"] PowerSearch available for a fee - http://www.zoominfo.com/
Television and Radio News Transcripts – including streaming audio/video
AOL Video - "AOL Video has millions of free, high quality videos including music videos, news clips, movie trailers, viral videos, and full-length TV shows." http://video.aol.com/
blinkx - "Now, with an index of over 35 million hours of searchable video and more than 450 media partnerships, including national broadcasters, commercial media giants, and private video libraries..." http://www.blinkx.com/
Bloomberg.com TV and Radio - 24-hour business and financial news. Fee. http://www.bloomberg.com/tvradio/index.html?Intro=intro_tvradio
CBSNews.com - breaking news headlines, links to investigative shows and news programs, as well as video and text. http://www.cbsnews.com/
Critical Mention - "CriticalTV is a comprehensive web-based television search and monitoring service that allows users to search, track and view critical information from television news. The platform provides real-time monitoring and email alerts for organizations that require up-to-the-minute news about their company, customers and competitors. CriticalTV allows users to easily find a video clip online immediately after its broadcast, instantly share the clip within a workgroup via secure video-email or a private video gallery, and order a professional transcript or hard copy online." Subscription only. http://www.criticalmention.com/web/index.php
Exaled Video search - "...access millions of video clips indexed from popular online video portals, including YouTube, Dailymotion, Metacare, Vodeo, Kewego and IFILM Web sites." http://www.exalead.com/video/homepage?q=
Google Video - "The Google Video index is the most comprehensive on the Web, containing millions of videos indexed and available for viewing. Using Google Video, you can search for and watch an ever-growing collection of TV shows, movie clips, music videos, documentaries, personal productions and more from all over the Web." http://video.google.com/ - [see also YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/, owned by Google]
Roosevelt Media - "RooseveltMedia.com is a complete recording, transcribing, monitoring, archiving, and delivery solution for anyone needing to track TV and radio news" - Fee. http://www.rooseveltmedia.com/
Yahoo! Video Search - "Yahoo! Video allows you to search millions of videos from across the Web." http://video.search.yahoo.com/
ShadowTV - streaming video service, Fee - http://www.shadowtv.com/index2.html
TVEyes - "TVEyes makes TV and radio broadcasts searchable by keyword, phrase or topic - just as you would use a search engine for text. TVEyes Media Monitoring Suite is a subscription-based product used by PR professionals, Fortune 500 companies, Political Campaigns, Government Agencies, and anyone who needs to know what is being broadcast on TV and radio in real-time." http://www.tveyes.com/
"The Tyndall Report monitors the weekday nightly newscasts of the three American broadcast television networks: ABC World News with Charles Gibson, CBS Evening News with Katie Couric and NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams...The Tyndall Blog monitors and comments on each night's newscasts and links to the stories that the networks aired." http://tyndallreport.com/Federal News Service - available via database, browser and RSS. Fee. http://www.fednews.com/NPR: Transcripts - fee - individual shows or subscriptions. http://www.npr.org/transcriptsVanderbilt Television News Archive - "The Television News Archive collection at Vanderbilt University is the world's most extensive and complete archive of television news. The collection holds more than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from the major U.S. national broadcast networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, and more than 9,000 hours of special news-related programming including ABC's Nightline since 1989." http://tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/
YouTube - "YouTube [owned by Google] is the leader in online video, and the premier destination to watch and share original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips on and across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email." http://www.youtube.com/Legislative Monitoring and TrackingCapitolHearings.org - http://www.capitolhearings.org/
Congressional Quarterly (CQ) - via the website users may obtain RSS feeds and email updates (find, track and report); news, bill tracking, transcripts. Free and fee. http://www.cq.com/corp/show.do?page=products
Free Today from Congressional Quarterly - daily selection of free articles, CQ columns, top stories, campaign blogs, political toolkit, Election Guide Index. http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?parm1=5
OpenCongress Wiki - "The citizen's encyclopedia on Congress that you can edit." http://www.opencongress.org/wiki/Wiki_Home
C-SPAN - video and audio search engine. http://www.cspan.org/
FedNet.net, real time live webcasts of: Congressional Hearings; Floor Debates; White House briefings; Regulatory hearings; Press conferences. Fee. http://www.fednet.net/
Gallerywatch.com - premier legislative tracking and monitoring service; offers users the ability to create customized delivery of services, including time sensitive alerts and updates, via website, email updates, and RSS. Bill tracking and monitoring, daily links to HotDocs, full-text CRS reports, legislator and agency press releases, National Journal services. Fee. http://www.gallerywatch.com/
Congress.org (free) http://www.congress.org/ and CongressNow (subscription) http://congressnow.gallerywatch.com/Default.aspx
GovTrack.us - "GovTrack.us helps you keep tabs on the U.S. Congress. This site is not affiliated with the U.S. government; it is non-commercial, non-partisan, and an open source project....it is an independent tool to help the public research and track the activities in the U.S. Congress, promoting government transparency and civic education through novel uses of technology. You'll find here the status of U.S. federal legislation, voting records in the Senate and House of Representatives, and information on Members of Congress, as well as congressional committees and the Congressional Record. The site is a research tool, but also a tracking service (providing user specified email updates and RSS feeds)." http://www.GovTrack.us/
Roll Call Newspaper Online - free headlines, and a free Election Map - http://www.rollcall.com/
The Hill.com - free Capitol Hill paper that includes blogs (http://blog.thehill.com/), podcasts and video clips. http://www.hillnews.com/THOMAS - From the Library of Congress, legislative information, status of legislation, links to committee reports. http://thomas.loc.gov/
Washingtonwatch.com tracks the bills in Congress, along with estimates about their costs or savings, when available. http://www.washingtonwatch.com/
E-Newsletters, Online Newspapers, Journals and News SourcesBetter Management.com - "provides articles, webcasts, and conferences addressing Performance Management, Financial Management, Business Intelligence, IT management, and other critical business management issues." http://www.bettermanagement.com/
Biz Journals - Free Search Watch alerts for registered users. "Bizjournals is the online media division of American City Business Journals, the nation's largest publisher of metropolitan business newspapers. It operates the Web sites for each of the company's 41 print business journals and operates a web-only site with local business news and information for Los Angeles." http://www.bizjournals.com/Bloomberg - (fee and free) market data, news and commentary (national and international); Bloomberg Radio, Bloomberg TV. http://www.bloomberg.com/CNNMoney.com - [note: Fortune, Money, Business 2.0 and Fortune Small Business are owned by the Time Inc. Business & Finance Network and may be linked to from http://money.cnn.com/. This family of magazines is available free online.]Financial Times - free and fee; email updates and RSS feeds available to subscribers. Daily blog updates, video and podcasts. Comprehensive coverage of global markets. http://www.ft.com/home/usForbes - video network, features, blogs, columns, special reports - Europe, US and Asia. http://www.forbes.com/ Fortune - features, video, RSS, newsletters. http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/
Google Finance - Market Summary, Today's Headlines, Company Facts and Financials, Related company data, a Company Summary, Management info, blog posts and links to topical discussions. http://finance.google.com/financeInvestors Business Daily - some free, mostly fee. http://www.investors.com/Moreover - list of pre-built available categories for news feeds (business, industries, finance, companies, etc.) - http://w.moreover.com/site/products/ind/rss_feeds.htmlTheDeal.com, subscription req'd, blogs are free. "reports, analyzes and disseminates business and financial news that offers fresh insights on the deal economy." http://www.thedeal.com/blogs/ Time.com: Inside Business - http://www.time.com/time/insidebizWall Street Journal - http://online.wsj.com/home/us: registered subscribers may opt-in for email updates, RSS, customized homepage, company and industry news trackers. Many articles are now available free to readers without a subscription. All WSJ blogs are free. http://online.wsj.com/public/page/8_0019.html
Wall Street Journal Market Data Center - Free market data, indexes, stock quotes, and more. http://online.wsj.com/mdc/public/page/marketsdata.html?mod=topnav_0_0012Yahoo! Finance - market summaries, currencies, videos, quotes, rates, news features, opinions. http://finance.yahoo.com/Yahoo! Financial News - top financial news. http://biz.yahoo.com/ne.html. See also Yahoo Tech Ticker, "a daily video-centric blog focused on the incredible world of technology investing." http://finance.yahoo.com/tech-ticker
Monitoring Trends, Companies and Products – Selected News Aggregators, RSS Feeds, Blog Search Engines
"The Competitive Intelligence Foundation's State of the Art: Competitive Intelligence Research Report helps chart the progress of the competitive intelligence (CI) field. This report provides CI practitioners significant information on how competitive intelligence can support their organizational environment with information that can be used by all practitioners to improve their effectiveness." Free executive summary (16 pages, PDF) http://www.scipstore.org/pdf/f_060608_stateofart_sum.pdf
News AggregatorsDmoz - open directory project directory of aggregator tools and links to updated resources on news aggregators and RSS Web content syndication format. http://tinyurl.com/5gl6Bloglines - Stay up-to-the minute on news, blogs and feeds. http://www.bloglines.com/
Google Reader - stay abreast of lthe atest news, blog postings, share and update friends and colleagues, read anywhere, via PC or mobile devices. www.google.com/readerNewzCrawler - "is an rss/atom reader, news aggregator, browser and blog client for Windows which provides access to news content from various sources." http://www.newzcrawler.com/NewsGator - basic service is free; upgrades for a fee for enterprise (e.g., results delivery to Microsoft Outlook email) http://www.newsgator.com/
Ultimate RSS Toolbox - 120+ RSS resources - http://mashable.com/2007/06/11/rss-toolbox/
Selected RSS Feeds from Business/Legal Related News SourcesBBC - excellent resource/how-to guide - podcasts, emails alerts, mobiles, news feeds. http://tinyurl.com/2wzugBizjournals.com - feeds for local business news and industry. http://www.bizjournals.com/rss_promo/
Financial Times - http://www.ft.com/servicestools/newstracking/rss
Forbes.com - http://www.forbes.com/fdc/rss.shtmlLaw.com - http://www.law.com/service/rss.shtml
MarketWatch - http://www.marketwatch.com/rss/default.aspNew York Times - http://www.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/PR Newswire - http://www.prnewswire.com/rss/main.shtmlReuters - http://www.reuters.com/tools/rss
Wall Street Journal News Feeds and Podcasts - http://online.wsj.com/public/page/0_0813.html?mod=topnav_0_0012Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/rss/index.htmlYahoo! News - http://news.yahoo.com/rss- - -
Yahoo! Finance Company News RSS URL Generator - Enter stock symbol(s) http://biz.yahoo.com/rss.html
Identification of Company Legal RepresentationAmLaw Lists and Rankings (Am Law 100, Am Law 200, Global 100, etc.) AmLaw Lists and Rankings (Am Law 100, Am Law 200, Global 100, etc.) - http://www.law.com/career_center/lists_rankings.shtml
CourtLink, "calendar proceedings (docket) of a lawsuit, and the documents that are filed during the course of that suit" - http://www.lexisnexis.com/courtlink/online/Case law searches, state and federal, via Lexis or Westlaw
Directory of Corporate Affiliations - http://www.corporateaffiliations.com/
Disclosure Online Database-US Public Company Profiles (Lexis), "contains business and financial information extracted from annual and periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for over 10,000 publicly-owned companies" - http://w3.nexis.com/sources/scripts/info.pl?3723
Jury verdict and settlement databases - For example the JV-ALL file on Westlaw - http://west.thomson.com/store/product.aspx?product_id=RM159035Law firm websites - firm and practice specific entries, press releases, news, blogs and client alerts - be sure to track and monitor information from this range of publications.
LawCrawler - Legal web and database search engine. http://lawcrawler.findlaw.com/
Martindale.com - "Use this Lawyer Locator to find the credentials of more than one million lawyers and firms." http://www.martindale.com/
Mergerstat M&A - "The Mergerstat database also includes more than 50,000 International transactions. Mergerstat covers U.S. transactions and crossborder transactions involving a U.S. parent company where the equity value is greater than $1 million and represents at least a 10 percent interest." http://w3.nexis.com/sources/scripts/info.pl?156282Nelson's Public Company Profiles - "Public Company Profiles comprise brief descriptions of 22,000 publicly tradedcorporations worldwide and include contact information, key executives and business descriptions." http://w3.nexis.com/sources/scripts/info.pl?165421 (Lexis)
Pacer - "The PACER Service Center is the Federal Judiciary's centralized registration, billing, and technical support center for electronic access to U.S. District, Bankruptcy, and Appellate court records." Requires username and password - fees apply - http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/
Patent records, USPTO - http://www.uspto.gov/patft/index.htmlSDC Mergers & Acquisitions - http://w3.nexis.com/sources/scripts/info.pl?173725Secretary of State and Other Business Filings Databases, published by LLRX.com - "All 50 states make some level of corporate and business filings available online. In a few instances only limited information (such as name availability) is retrievable. The majority of the states, however, use their Web presence to disseminate a range of public business records -- and most of them offer access at no charge." http://www.llrx.com/features/columns/roundup29.htmSECInfo.com - "Search by Name, Industry, Business, SIC Code, Area Code, Topic, CIK, Accession Number, File Number, Date, ZIP." http://www.secinfo.com/
Standard & Poor's Corporate Register, "The SPCORP file, derived from the Standard & Poor's Register of Corporations, is the most comprehensive directory available of America's top corporations and their key personnel." http://w3.nexis.com/sources/scripts/info.pl?3669
Trademark Electronic Search System, USPTO - http://www.uspto.gov/main/trademarks.htmVentureSource for private companies, fee - http://www.venturesource.com/login/index.cfm?CFID=244623&CFTOKEN=29277224America's Corporate Finance Directory - http://www.lexisnexis.com/corpfinancedir and http://w3.nexis.com/sources/scripts/info.pl?156585: also useful for identification of other outside service providers, including auditor, banker, pension manager, insurance carriers, investment banker, etc.
Westlaw CourtExpress - dockets and document retrieval services for state and federal jurisdictions, http://courtexpress.westlaw.com/
Selected Online Tools for Competitor MonitoringWebsite TrackersCopernic Agent - subscription, intelligent web search and management application - http://www.copernic.com/en/products/agent/index.html
"Domain Tools has been tracking the whois history of millions of domains since 2000. Domain History gives you access to our massive database of historical whois records. Supported TLDs are .com, .net, .org, .biz, .us, and .info. DomainTools offers an historical lookup of registrations back to 2001," http://domain-history.domaintools.com/
InfoMinder - subscription service to track and monitor changes to websites, blogs, RSS feeds and wikis - http://www.infominder.com/webminder/index.jspWebSite Watcher - monitor websites for updates and changes - http://aignes.com/Web2Mail Lite - read, receive and browse the web by email - http://www.web2mail.com/lite/welcome.phpChangeDetection - notifies users every time there is a change in designated websites - http://www.changedetection.com/Tracerlock - web monitoring/clipping service - http://www.tracerlock.com/
Westlaw Watch and LexisNexis TrackersWestlaw Watch - "delivers selected Westlaw content to individuals via email or your organization's intranet or portal", subscription req'd - http://west.thomson.com/westlawwatch/
LexisNexis Trackers - subscription req'd, "full-text articles on current news, business, and legal information from more than 7,100 respected publications" - http://www.lexisnexis.com/currentawareness/trackers/Whoís Mailing What - sells competitive intelligence data on what kind of direct mail programs other major firms are conducting - category 586 is legal services. http://www.whosmailingwhat.com/?FUSEACTION=&FA=&HOWMUCHTIME=MarkMonitor - domain name filings provide insight into new law firm directions, service offerings - http://www.markmonitor.com/
Benchmarking Altman Weil Publications - Law Firm Survey; Law Department Surveys; Survey Executive Summaries - fee only - http://www.altmanweil.com/index.cfm/fa/sp.home/surveys.cfm
American Bar Association (ABA) Market Research Department Statistical Resources - http://www.abanet.org/marketresearch/resource.html
American Lawyer - now owned by incisive media - subscription (law firm and lawyer surveys, reports, articles, market data) - http://www.law.com/jsp/tal/index.jsp. Sign up for free email updates: http://store.law.com/registration/register.asp?w=tal&subscribeTo=tal:limited
AmLaw 200 - 2008: begin on this page and proceed to free registration to view the following data if you are currently not a paid subscriber: The Am Law 200: Gross Revenue; The Am Law 200: Revenue Per Lawyer; The Am Law 200: Value Per Lawyer; The Am Law 200: Profits Per Partner; The Am Law 200: Measure Twice.American Banker's Top Lead Legal Advisers, "A comprehensive database of banking and financial services rankings, league tables, and vital statistics. Includes all tables published in the print edition of American Banker, and more. Organized by category. With historical data." http://www.americanbanker.com/rankingthebanks.html
Canadian Business Intelligence Pathfinder - "Information to help you plan your business intelligence strategies. Find help with forming market research and marketing plans, access company databases, and contact experts in market research. Keep your intelligence strategies current and competitive with these online resources." http://www.strategieinnovation.gc.ca/gol/innovation/site.nsf/en/in03621.html
Chambers and Partners - "searchable database of the top lawyers in 175 countries, providing independent rankings and editorial commentary" - http://www.chambersandpartners.com/
"CorporateAffiliations.com (LexisNexis) provides current, accurate corporate linkage information and company profiles on nearly 200,000 of the most prominent global public and private parent companies and their affiliates, subsidiaries and divisions—down to the seventh level of corporate linkage." http://www.corporateaffiliations.com/
Counsel to Counsel Resources and Summary Reports - http://www.martindale.com/xp/c2c/Media_Features/articles_list.xml
ExecRelate - "find NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX board member biographical details and see how they’re connected, view company hierarchies to find connections among current customers and their parent companies, and track merger and acquisition information to keep informed about marketplace changes. http://www.execrelate.com/Nonsub/home.asp
FRASER (Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research) - "The Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research is a project by the Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to expand on its mission to provide economic information and data to researchers interested in the U.S. economy. On this web site you will find links to scanned images (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format) of historical economic statistical publications, releases, and documents." http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/
Fortune 500 annual ranking of America's largest corporations, 2008 - http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/
GPO Economic Indicators, 1995 to Present - "Available from April 1995 forward, this monthly compilation is prepared for the Joint Economic Committee by the Council of Economic Advisors and provides economic information on prices, wages, production, business activity, purchasing power, credit, money and Federal finance." http://www.gpoaccess.gov/indicators/index.html
"The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2008 (WCY) analyses and ranks the ability of nations to create and maintain an environment that sustains the competitiveness of enterprises. Considered the worldwide reference point to world competitiveness, it has been published without interruption since 1989 and ranks 55 national economies using 323 criteria. http://www.imd.ch/research/publications/wcy/World-Competitiveness-Yearbook-2008-Results.cfm"Leadership Networks™ is an...interactive networking database of "who knows whom" in the leadership of the United States. Powered by our Leadership Library® database of accurate and up-to-date professional information, Leadership Networks™ shows in a visually compelling form the type and strength of key links and connections among leaders in the public and private sectors, including board relationships, education, career history, and family ties." http://www.leadershipdirectories.com/products/ln.htm
"Marquis Who's Who has grown to include the biographies of millions of leaders and achievers from around the world and from every significant field of endeavor." http://www.marquiswhoswho.com/
NALP Directory of Legal Employers - "Available from April 1995 forward, this monthly compilation is prepared for the Joint Economic Committee by the Council of Economic Advisors and provides economic information on prices, wages, production, business activity, purchasing power, credit, money and Federal finance." http://www.nalpdirectory.com/
PROFIT 100 Rankings - "The exclusive list of Canada's Fastest-Growing Companies: who they are, where they're from and what they do." http://www.canadianbusiness.com/rankings/profit100/list.jsp
U.S. Census Bureau, Current Industrial Reports - "The CIR program has been providing monthly, quarterly, and annual measures of industrial activity for many years. The primary objective of the CIR program is to produce timely, accurate data on production and shipments of selected products. The data are used to satisfy economic policy needs and for market analysis, forecasting, and decision-making in the private sector." Includes Mining, Manufacturing and Construction Statistics. http://www.census.gov/cir/www/
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis - "The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) promotes a better understanding of the U.S. economy by providing the most timely, relevant, and accurate economic accounts data in an objective and cost-effective manner." http://www.bea.gov/
U.S. Commercial Service - Market Research Library - "The U.S. Commercial Service is the trade promotion unit of the International Trade Administration. U.S. Commercial Service trade specialists in 107 U.S. cities and in more than 80 countries work with your company to help you get started in exporting or increase your sales to new global markets." http://www.buyusainfo.net/adsearch.cfm?search_type=int&loadnav=no
Country Profiles
BBC News Country Profiles - "Full profiles provide an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries and territories, and background on key institutions. They also include audio or video clips from BBC archives." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/country_profiles/default.stm
CIA World Factbook - Country information has been updated as of 19 March 2009. Comprehensive, accurate, extensive data on over 270 countries around the world. For each country, Includes data on people, geography, government, economy, communications, transportation, military and transnational issues. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html
Country Profiles - Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK): "The following Country Profiles have been prepared by FCO desk officers and aim to provide a general overview of the country concerned. They include information on the country's recent history, recent political developments, relations with the international community and bilateral political and commercial relations with the UK, as well as links to other relevant pages on the FCO website." http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029394365
Economist.com - Country Briefings - "News, country profiles, forecasts, statistics" on more than 80 countries.
Index Mundi, Country Facts - "This site contains detailed country information, charts, and maps compiled from multiple sources." http://www.indexmundi.com/
Library of Congress Country Profiles - "This series of profiles of foreign nations is part of the Country Studies Program...The profiles offer brief, summarized information on a country's historical background, geography, society, economy, transportation and telecommunications, government and politics, and national security." http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/profiles.html
World Bank Key Development Data and Statistics - Country Profiles - "Country profiles are drawn from the World Development Indicators (WDI) database - the World Bank's primary database for cross-country comparable development data. The indicators shown here are also available through an online Quick Query tool that provides free access to a limited set of the WDI Online subscription database." Link
World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) - "analyses and ranks the ability of nations to create and maintain an environment that sustains the competitiveness of enterprises. Considered the worldwide reference point to world competitiveness, it has been published without interruption since 1989 and ranks 55 national economies using 323 criteria." http://www.imd.ch/research/publications/wcy/index.cfm
CI Pathfinders and Link Collections
BRINT - "Business Technology Management and Knowledge Management" - http://www.brint.com/Competitive Intelligence Center Library - http://www.competitivereviews.com/library.htmlHelicon's Articles and Book Reviews on CI and Related Topics - http://www.helicongroup.com/Helicon
Web Directories and Portals
A to Z Index of the Business Reference Services Web Site (Library of Congress) - http://www.loc.gov/rr/business/azindex.html
CEO Express - fee and free, with links to dozens of reliable, business related resources - http://www.ceoexpress.com/default.aspCI Resource Index - over 2,000 links to corporate and association data, books, newsletters, journals, seminars and more. http://www.bidigital.com/ci/
FindArticles - free access to millions of articles (premium content as well) - http://findarticles.com/
HighBeam (fee and free) "is a magazine and newspaper archive, online library and research tool for individuals, students and small businesses. We collect millions of research articles from published sources you know and trust – and put them all in one place." - http://www.highbeam.com/
HighWire Press - free and free, "1232 journals and 5,607,502 full text articles from over 140 scholarly publishers. HighWire-hosted publishers have collectively made 1,861,920 articles free." http://highwire.stanford.edu/Fuld & Company, Internet Intelligence Index - links to over 600 intelligence-related sites - http://www.fuld.com/fuld-bin/f.wk?fuld.i3.homeLexisNexis - fee/subscription - http://www.lexis.com/ or http://www.nexis.com/MagPortal - search engine and directory for locating online magazine articles from over 200 periodicals - http://www.magportal.com/c/bus/Portal to International Business Resources - "A rich collection of thousands of resources selected based on content and usability. This section also includes our proprietary Market Potential Indicators and the Database of International Business Statistics." http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/ibrd.aspWestlaw - fee/subscription - http://www.westlaw.com/Wall Street Executive Library - Directory of over 1,450 sources that includes: national/international news; company and industry, government, marketing and advertising, statistics and economic research - http://www.executivelibrary.com/
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